1963-1964 Academic Catalog

FINE ARTS Cedarville College Music Major, Bachelor of Arts Degree Freshman Yeair First Semester Old Testament Survey___________ 3 English Composition __ _____ _____ 3 Physical Eduration ________ _____ 1 General Psychology __ __ ____ _____ 3 Beginning Theory -------------- 3 Applied Music __ --------------- 1 Elective (Applied Music suggested) 2 16 Second Semester New Testament Survey__ ________ _ 3 English Composition __ ________ __ 3 Physical Education __ ____ __ _____ 1 Living with Art and Music_______ 3 Beginning Theory -------------- 3 Applied Mu.sic __________________ 1 Elective (Applied Music suggested) 2 16 Sophomore Year Evangelism -------------------- 3 Fundamentals of Speech_________ 3 Physical Education -------------- 1 Social Science ----------------- 3 AdV'Ml.ced Theory - ------------- 3 Baroque Music ---------------- 2 Applied Music ------- - -------- 1 16 Bible Doctrine Survey _____ _____ 3 Fundamentals of Speech__ ___ ____ 2 Physical Education ______ __ _____ 1 Social Science ----------------- 3 Advanced Theory ------------- - 3 Electives ---------------------- 3 Applied Music ----------------- 1 16 J unior Year Christian Evidences _____ ________ 2 Literature Survey __ ______ _______ 3 Foreign Language -------------- 3 Electives ---------------------- 5 Romantic Music --------------- 2 Applied Music - -------------- -- 1 16 Biblical Interpretation ___________ 2 Literature Survey --- ---- ------ -- 3 Foreign Language -------------- 3 Electives ---------------------- 5 Classical Music or Modern Music _____ ___ _______ 2 Applied Music ----------------- 1 16 Senior Year Foreign Language - -------- ----- 3 Science ----------------------- 4 Electives - -------------------- - 5 Seminar in Conducting ____ __ _____ 3 Applied Music ______ __________ _ 1 16 56 Baptist History and Policy________ 3 Foreign Language ------------ -- 3 Science ----------------------- 4 Electives __ ------ ------------- 5 Applied Music and Recital________ 1 16