1963-1964 Academic Catalog

Cedarville College HEALTH AND PHYSICAL EDUCATION 383 INTRODUCTION TO CAMPING The development and scope of camping, including philosophies of cen– tralized and decentralized camping, sta,ndards, administrations, and basic camp– craft skills. American Camping Association Campcrafter Certificate given. Three credit hours 384 CAMP COUNSELING Camper needs and skills, techniques of counseling, principles of program planning, special programs, and use of the Bible in camp. Three credit hours D. PHYSICAL EDUCATION 291 OFFICIATING FOOTBALL AND BASKETBALL Lectures, readings, class discussions, and field football and basketball. experience in offciating Two credit houn 292 OFFICIATING TRACK AND BASEBALL Lectures, readings, class discussions, and field experience in officiating crack and baseball. Two credit hours 293 INDIVIDUAL AND DUAL SPORTS FOR WOMEN Theory and practice in tennis, archery, badminton, table tennis, bowling, and other informal games, with attention given to various teaching methods, skills, rules, and officiating. Two credit hours 294 INDIVIDUAL AND DUAL SPORTS FOR MEN Theory and practice in tennis, archery, wrestling, badminton, table tennis, bowling, and other informal games, with attention given to various teaching methods, skills, rules, and officiating. Two credit hours 391 COACHING FOOTBALL AND BASKETBALL The organization, skills, techniques, and strategy of football and basketball. Two credit hours 392 COACHING BASEBALL AND TRACK The organization, skills, techniques, and strategy of baseball and track. Two credit hours 393 TEAM SPORTS FOR WOMEN Theory and practice in speedball, soccer, field hockey, basketball, softball, and volleyball, with attention given to various teaching methods, skills, rules, and officiating. Four credit hours 394 ADAPTED PHYSICAL EDUCATION {Offered on demand) A study of functional and physical defects resulting from physiological and anatomical variations of typical and atypical students, and the psychological implications as related to the physical education program. Two credit hottrs 59