1963-1964 Academic Catalog

LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE 332 POETRY OF THE ROMANTIC PERIOD* Prerequisite : Literature 231-232 or 241-242 Cedarville College (1964-65) A study of the characteristics of Romanticism and the writings of the major poets of this period. Three credit hours 333 MILTON AND THE EARLY SEVENTEENTH CENTURY* Prerequisite: Literature 231-232 or 241-242 (1963-64) Prose and poetry of major authors from Donne to Milton. Chief emphasis on Paradise Lost. Three credit hours 334 THE RESTORATION AND EIGHTEENTH CENTURY* (1964-65) Prerequisite : Literature 231-232 or 241-242 A study of Pope and Swift. the principal writers from Dryden to Blake with emphasis on Three credit hours 335 SHAKESPEARE Prerequisite : Literature 231-232 or 241-242 An introductory course studying representative dramas. student desiring a knowledge of the writings of this author. 339 THE BIBLE AS LITERATURE* Designed for any Three credit hours (1964-65) A study of the literary forms and structures of the Bible. Three credit hours 341 AMERICAN FICTION* (1964-65) Prerequisite: Literature 231-232 or 241-242 A reading and critical analysis of representative works of Browne, Irving, Cooper, Poe, Hawthorne, Melville, Twain, and others. Three credit hours 420 ENGLISH SEMINAR Prerequisite : Permission of the English Department A course designed to introduce the student to types of research problems and to guide him into independent research in the field of his choice. Only English majors with a "B" average or above may elect this course. One to three credit hours D. GREEK 251-252 ELEMENTARY GREEK The basic elements of the Greek language. Careful attention is given to grammar, syntax, vocabulary, and the reading of selected portions of the Greek New Testament. Four lectures plus a lab or fifth lecture per week. Four credit hours each remester 351-352 INTERMEDIATE GREEK Prerequisite : Greek 251-252 Detailed study of advanced Greek grammar, reading in the Greek New Testament, the application of advanced syntactical rules, and an introduction to exegesis. Three credit hours each semester 64