1963-1964 Academic Catalog

PSYCHOLOGY PSYCHOLOGY Professor: Clifford R. Maddox Assistant Professor: Boyd Max Dowell Cedarville College The division of Psychology seeks to aid in the adjustment of stu– dents to everyday life through an understanding of human behavior. Bachelor of Arts Program Requirements for a Minor in Psychology. Fifteen semester hours, including Psychology 160; twelve hours of electives in Psychology. Elementary or secondary education students may transfer credits for work taken at Central State College or other institutions in the fields of Educational Psychology or Human Growth and Development to apply toward a minor in Psychology at Cedarville College. A. PYSCHOLOGY 160 GENERAL PSYCHOLOGY Designed to provide an introductory understanding of the history, prin- ciples, and practices of psychology. Three credit l:ouH 261 PRACTICAL BEHAVIORAL STATISTICS Prerequisite: Psychology 160 A practical course in the use of behavioral statistics. Students acquire knowledge of various statistical procedures through actual comi;utation of data obtained in the college testing program. T h•·ee credit hours 262 PSYCHOLOGICAL MEASUREMENTS Prerequisite: Psychology 261 The administration, scoring, and interpreting of individtrnl intelligence tests and of group tests of aptitudes, achievement, interests, and personality. Analysis of the principles of test contruction and validation. Thne credit hours 361 APPLIED PSYCHOLOGY Prerequisite: Psychology 160 An application of general psychological principles to different aspects of life such as family relationships, personality development, and professional activities. Three credit hours 362 PSYCHOLOGY OF LEADERSHIP Prerequisite: Psychology 160 (Offered on demand) A study of the psychology and methods of leadership. Those enrolled will gain practical experience by working with problems of adjustment. Three credit hours 66