1963-1964 Academic Catalog

Cedarville College SCIENCE Requirements for a Minor in Chemistry. Sixteen semester hours, including Chemistry 151-152, and 251-252 or 253-254. Requirements for a Minor in Mathematics. Sixteen semester hours, all from Mathematics and exclusive of Mathematics 180. A. BIOLOGY 100 PRINCIPLES OF BIOLOGY A presentation and development of biological principles common to both animal and plant kingdoms. This course is designed to meet a general edu– cation need. Alternation of three lectures and one 3-hour lab per week with four lectures per week. Four credit hours 110 GENERAL ZOOLOGY Prerequisite: Biology 100 A study of the animal kingdom and of general zoological principles, with laboratory concentration on the invertebrate organisms. Three lectures and one 3-hour lab per week. Four credit hours 121 ELEMENTARY ENTOMOLOGY Prerequisite: Biology 100 A study of the biology of insects designed primarily for the prospective teacher, dealing with anatomy, recognition of a number of more common repre– sentatives, habits, economic importance, and collecting techniques. A personal collection is required. Cannot be applied toward a biology major or minor. Three lecture-laboratory combinations per week. Two credit hours 130 GENERAL BOTANY Prerequisite: Biology 100 A study of the structure and function of representatives of the plant king– dom beginning with the algae and fungi and ending with the flowering plants. Three lectures and one 3-hour lab per week. Four credit hours 132 LOCAL FLORA Prerequisite: Biology 100 A study of the classification of the vascular plants found in the Cedarville localiry. The course will include collecting, identifying, and preserving the available specimens. Cannot be applied toward a biology major or minor. One lecture and one 3-holLt lab per week. Two credit hou1·s 69