1963-1964 Academic Catalog

Cedarville College SCIENCE 312 GENETICS* (1963-64) Prerequisite: Biology 100 The inrerpretation of the basic principles of heredity and their application to human and agricultural situations. The laboratory deals with the principles as expressed by Drosophila. Three lectures per week, lab by arrangement. Four credit hours 334 BACTERIOLOGY* (1963-64) Prerequisite: Biology 130 A study of plant micro-organisms and their relation to man's economy and hygiene. Basic laboratory techniques are stressed. Two lectures and two 3-hour labs per week. Four credit hours B. CHEMISTRY 151-152 GENERAL CHEMISTRY A study of the fundamental facts and principles of chemistry. The second semester laboratory is qualitative analysis. Three lectures and one 3-hour lab per week. Four credit hours each semeter 251-252 QUANTITATIVE ANALYSIS* (1963-64) Prerequisite: Chemistry 152 A study of the theory, technique, and calculations involved in gravimetric and volumetric quanritative analysis. Two lectures and two 3-hour labs per week. Four credit hours each semester 253-254 ORGANIC CHEMISTRY* (1963-64) Prerequisite: Chemistry 152 A detailed study of the general principles. Aliphatics, aromatics, natural products, etc. Emphasis is placed on mechanisms. Three lectures and one 3-hour lab per week. Four credit hours each semester 351-352 PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY* Prerequisite: Chemistry 251-252 (or concurrent), Physics 172, Mathematics 282 (1964-65) Gas laws, thermodynamics, equilibrium phenomena, kinetic theory, and other standard topics. Three lectures and one 3-hour lab per week. Four credit hours each semester 71