1963-1964 Academic Catalog

SCIENCE Cedarville College C. PHYSICAL SCIENCE 160 PHYSICAL SCIENCE SURVEY A survey of astronomy, geology, chemistry, and physics in which basic con– cepts are emphasized from a non-mathematical point of view. The course is designed especially for the general education program. Alternation of three lectures and one 2-hour lab per week with four lec- tures per week. Four credit hours 161 DESCRIPTIVE ASTRONOMY Prerequisite: Mathematics 180 or equivalent An introductory non-technical course designed to give a general knowledge of the subject, with emphasis upon God's creation of the material universe. Two lectures per week, with some opportunities for field observations. Two credit hours 162 INTRODUCTION TO PHYSICAL GEOLOGY An introductory study of the structural features of the earth's crust and the materials from which it was formed . Two credit hours 171-172 GENERAL PHYSICS* (1964-65) Prerequisite: Mathematics 181 and 182 or equivalent A study of mechanics, heat, sound, lighr, electricity, magnetism, and atomic physics. Three lectures and one 2-hour lab per week. Fottr credit hours edch semester 272 NUCLEAR PHYSICS* (1963-64) Prerequisite: Physical Science 172, Mathematics 282 Theory of the atomic nucleus and its reactions. The nature of radioactive decay, its effects, and detection. Three credit hours 273 ELECTRICAL CIRCUITS* (1964-65) Prerequisite: Physical Science 172, Mathematics 282 .An intermediate course in steady and transient A.C.-D.C. circuits. An inrro- duction to electronics and solid state devices is included. Three credit hours D. MATHEMATICS 180 PRINCIPLES OF MATHEMATICS Principles and concepts of arithmetic, algebra, trigonometry, and stat1sucs. Three credit hours 72