1963-1964 Academic Catalog

Cedarville College SCIENCE 181 COLLEGE ALGEBRA The solncion of quadratics, machemacical induction, binomial theorem, theory of equations, determinants, and ocher selected copies. Three credit hours 182 PLANE TRIGONOMETRY The use of trigonometric functions, together wich derived identities, che solution of the triangle, operations with complex numbers. Three credit hours 281-282 ANALYTIC GEOMETRY AND CALCULUS* (1964-65) Prerequisite : Mathematics 181 and 182 or equivalent The use of basic concepts in analytic geometry, followed by differential and inregral calculus. Solid analytic geometry, partial differentiation, and multiple integrals are included. Five credit hours each semester 380 ELEMENTARY STATISTICAL ANALYSIS (Offered on demand) Frequency distributions, graphical represencarives, measures of central cend– ency, variability, and coefficients of correlation will be treated. This course is recommended for prospective teachers and chose majoring in che behavioral sciences. Three credit hours 381 DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS* (1963-64) Prerequisite: Mathematics 282 A srudy of che standard techniques used in solving differential equations. Physical applications are stressed. Three credit hours 73