1963-1964 Academic Catalog

SOCIAL SCIENCE Cedarville College SOCIAL SCIENCE Associate Professor : Cleveland McDonald Assistant Professor : Ralph B. Gale The division of Social Science is comprised of A) History, B) So– ciology, C) Geography, D) Political Science. This division seeks to present to the student the origin and develop– ment of ideas and institutions; to aid the student in gaining a better perspective of the facts of history, the functions of government, and the nature of society; to acquaint the student with a practical appreciation of the methods and tools of original research projects; to provide the student with an opportunity to formulate and express the results of investigation and study; and , finally, to lead the student to see the plan of God through the centuries by pointing out and emphasizing the harmony which exists between the facts of secular knowledge and the truths of the Bible. Bachelor of Science Program Requirements for a Major in Social Studies. Forty-two semester hours, including History 101, 102, 201, 202; Sociology 231 ; Geography 251 or 252; Political Science 261, 264; Economics 131, 132; twelve hours of selected courses in any one of the above-named subject fields . Note: A person majoring in social studies cannot minor in history. Bachelor of Arts Programs Requirements for a Major in History. Thirty semester hours, in– d ucting History lOL 102, 201, 202, 412; fifteen hours of electives in History." Requirements for a Major in History and Political Science. Thirty semester hours, including History 101, 102, 201, 202, 402, 412, and a three– hour elective in History; Political Science 261, 264, and a three-hour elective in advanced Political Science.* Requirements for a Major in Sociology. Twenty-seven semester hours, including Sociology 231, 232; twenty-one hours of electives in Sociology. Requirements for a Minor in History. Fifteen semester hours, in– cluding History 101, 102, 201, 202, and a three-hour elective in History. Requirements for a Minor in Sociology. Fifteen semester hours, including Sociology 231, 232; nine hours of electives in Sociology. *Economics 231, Economic History, is acceptable as a History elective. 74