1963-1964 Academic Catalog

Cedarville College 334 SOCIAL ORGANIZATION* Prerequisite: Sociology 231, 232 SOCIAL SCIENCE (1963-64) An intensive study of the major instirutions rn our present society. 430 CRIMINOLOGY* Prerequisite: Sociology 231, 232 Three credit hours (1964-65) A study of the nature and causes of crime wirh emphasis upon merhods of prevention and trearment. Three credit hours 431 INTRODUCTION TO SOCIAL WORK* Prerequisite: Sociology 231, 232 (1963-64) A survey study of the nature and function of social work as related to ind ividuals, groups, and communities. Three c1·edit hours 432 SOCIAL CASEWORK* Prerequisite: Sociology 431 (1963-64) An introduction to the general principles and methods of social casework used by social workers in various types of agencies and organizations. 440 PROBLEMS IN SOCIOLOGY Prerequisite: Sociology 231, 232 Three credit hours Extensive research on various sociological problems. 441 SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY* Prerequisite: Sociology 231, 232 One to four credit hours (1963-64) An examination of the processes of socialization and of personality for- mation. Three credit hours C. GEOGRAPHY 251 PRINCIPLES OF GEOGRAPHY* (1963-64) The major elements of the natural environment are studied wirh particular reference to rheir effect upon man and his activities. Three credit hom·s 252 WORLD GEOGRAPHY* (1963-64) A survey of various areas of the world with an emphasis upon the cul– rural, economic, and political developments in relation to the geographical conditions. Three credit hours 77