1963-1964 Academic Catalog

FACILITIES Cedarville College FACILITIES ADMINISTRATION BUILDING "Old Main," built in 1895, is the original college building. It has the spaciousness of a bygone day when building costs were lower. On its first floor are the administrative offices; on the second floor are classrooms; faculty offices and the College radio station WCDR-FM are on the third floor. The basement houses the post office, mailing, and printing departments. SCIENCE HALL Erected in 1922, Science Hall contains facilities for the physical and biological sciences. It is equipped with laboratories and class– rooms. This building also temporarily houses the Division of Business Administration. MILNER HALL This building was constructed by student labor in the summer and fall of 1954 and was dedicated to Dr. George S. Milner, Chairman of the Board of Trustees, who gave generously for its erection. The build– ing was enlarged in 1959. HOUSING FOR STUDENTS The College maintains dormitories for both men and women. Rooms are furnished with beds, study tables, dressers, and closet space. Stu– dents are required to furnish their own bed linen, blankets, bedspreads, towels, pillows, etc. All students are expected to care for their own rooms and to keep them presentable for inspection by the dormitory counselor, the dormitory supervisor, or the Dean of Students. Coin– operated laundry machines are available in the community. College dormitories include Faith Hall, Harriman Hall, and a new dormitory for women; and Rife Hall, Bethel Hall, Cedar Hall, Am– bassador Hall, and Patterson Hall for men. Patterson Hall was named in honor of William B. Patterson, an active member of the Board of Trustees, who has given sacrificially of his time and substance in the installation, rewiring, and maintenance of the electrical systems throughout the college campus. Married students must provide their own living quarters. The Col– lege renders all possible assistance in enabling such students to find suitable housing. A trailer court is maintained by the College, and space may be rented at nominal rates. ALFORD MEMORIAL AUDITORIUM This structure, erected in 1853, was presented to the College by Mr. W. J. Alford in memory of his father and mother. It is the oldest building on the campus, having served originally as the assembly hall of the Reformed Presbyterian Church of Cedarville. When the latter's congregation moved into their new building, the old church was re- 8