1963-1964 Academic Catalog

FACULTY Cedarville College JEAN FISHER, M.A. Assistant P1'ofesso1' of Ch1'istian Edttcation B.R.E., Baptist Bible Seminary, 1956; M.A., Wheaton College, 1961. Cedarville College, 1956-. L. BERT FRYE, B.S. Inst1'ucto1' in Physical Science B.S., University of Missouri , 1940; Graduate study, Faith Seminary, 1947-48; B.D., Grand Rapids Baptist Seminary, 1953; Graduate study, Michigan State University, 1958, 1959, and summer of 1961; Graduate study, University of California (Berkeley), summer of 1960; Graduate study, Miami University, 1962-. Cedarville College, 1961-. RALPH B. GALE, M.A. Assistant P1'ofesso1' of H isto1'y Graduate, Moody Bible Institute, 193 7; Th.B., Northern Baptist Theological Seminary, 1943; M.A., Loyola University, 1961 ; Graduate study, Loyola Uni– versity, 1960-61; Graduate srudy, Miami University, 1962-. Cedarville College, 1961-. ROBERT GROMACKI, Th.M. Assistant P1'ofesso.,. of Bible and Greek Th.B., Baptist Bible Seminary, 1956; Th.M., Dallas Theological Seminary, 1960. Cedarville College, 1960-. CLIFFORD W. JOHNSON, D.Ed. Regist1'a1' B.Ed., Western Washington State College, 1949; M.Ed., Western Washington State College, 195 3; D.Ed., University of Washington, 1962. Cedarville College, 1962-. JUNE F. KEARNEY, B.S. lnst1'ucto1' in Physical Education B.S., Taylor Universitv, 1962. Cedarville College, 1962-. MAURICE J. KNUDSEN, M.M.E. Assistant P1'ofesso1' of Music B.M., Northwestern College, 1959; M.M.E., Drake University, 1963. Cedarville College, 1963-. IRENE LANE, B.S. Inst1'Uctor in Secretarial Science B.S. in Business Administration, Cedarville College, 1963; B.S. rn Business Edu– cation, Central State College, 1963. Cedarville College, 1963-. GEORGE L. LAWLOR, Th.M. Associate Professor of Bible and Greek Teacher's Diploma, Ithaca College, 1926; B.A., Burton College, 1952; B.D., Grace Theological Seminary, 1944; Th.M., Grace Theological Seminary, 1956; Special srudy, Winona Lake School of Theology, 1960; Graduate study, Grace Theological Seminary, 1961-; all work except dissertation finished for Th.D. Cedarville College, 1959-. 86