1963-1964 Academic Catalog

Cedarville College FACULTY JOY MACKAY, M.A. Dean of Women; Assistant Professor of Christian Education Graduate, Philadelphia College of Bible; B.A., Wheaton College, 1958; M.A., Wheaton College, 1962. Cedarville College, 1962-. CLIFFORD R. MADDOX, Ph.D. Dean of the College; Professor of Psychology B.S., Georgetown College, 1916; M.A., University of Chicago, 1925; Ph.D., University of Chicago, 1933; Post-doctoral srudy, University of Chicago, North– western University, and University of Colorado. Cedarville College, 1956-. MIRIAM B. MADDOX, B.A. Part-time Instructor in Speech B.A., John Fletcher College, 1928; Graduate study, Columbia University, 1929; Graduate srudy, Northwestern University, 1930; Graduate, Moody Bible In– stirute, 1931. Cedarville College, 1959-. CLEVELAND McDONALD, M.Litt. Associate Professor of Social Science Graduate, Moody Bible Instirute, 1945; B.A., James Millikin University, 1948; Graduate srudy in linguistics, Oklahoma State University, 1948; M.litt., Univer– sity of Pittsburgh, 1956; Graduate srudy, Ohio State University, 1961-; all work except dissertation finished for Ph.D. Cedarville College, 1957-. RICHARD T. McINTOSH, Th.M. Dean of Students; Assistant Professor of Bible B.A., Bryan College, 1952; B.D., Grace Theological Seminary, 195 7; Th.M., Grace Theological Seminary, 1961. Cedarville College, 1960-. LANE W. MOODY, M.A. Assistant Professor of Ph)1sical Education B.A., Cedarville College, 1958; M.A., Western Reserve University, 1961. Cedarville College, 1962-. JOHN WILLIAM REED, M.A. Assistant Professor of Speech B.A., Bryan College, 1951 ; B.D., Gra<:e Theological Semi nary, 1954; M.A., Bowling Green Scare University, 1961; Graduate srudy, Ohio Scare University, 1962-. Cedarville College, 1961·. J. EMERSON RUSSELL, M.A. Assistant Professor of A,·t B.A., Asbury College, 1935; B.D., Asbury Seminary, 1937; M.A., Ohio Stare University, 1939. Cedarville College, 1961·. EDWARD E. SPENCER, B.A. Inst-ructor im English B.A., Ashland College, 1947; B.D., Faith Seminary, 1951. Cedarville College, 1962-. 87