1963-1964 Academic Catalog

INDEX Cedarville College Christian Education ................... ... .................. ........ ......... .... .39, 41 Christian Service .. ... ...... ......................... .. ...... ........... .......... ... ... ...10 Class Attendance• .......... .. .... .. ....... .. .. .... ..... .... ....... ......... .... .. .. ........ 25 Classification of Students ..... ...... .. .... ....... ...... .... ....... ... ............ ... .24 Concert Band .. ...... ...... ............ .... .. .. ... ...... ...... ... ..... ...... ... .... .. .. .. .. ..12 Counseling, Academic ................... ...... .. ... .... .... .. ......... ...... ....... .... 24 Course Numbers .............. .. ...................... ........... ...... .... ..... .. ....... .34 Credits and Sessions ...... .... .. ...... .......... ... .... ..... .. .... ..... ...... ......... .. 24 Cultural and Social Activities .... ..... ... ... ............ ..... ... ................... 12 Dean's Honor List ....... ..... ................. ......... .. ... .... ............ .. ... ... ..... 25 Dean's List ........ .... ... ......... .. .. ..... ...... ... .... ... .... ... ....... .....................25 Deferred Payments ........ .. ... ............. .. ...... .......... ... ... .. .... ...... .... ... .'17 Degree Requirements .. .. .. .. ........ ... .. ......... .... ...... ... ... ... ........... ... .. .28 Degrees Conferred in 1962 ............................................ .. ... ..... .. ..81 Devotional Life ... ...... ................................ ...... .... ... ........ ....... .... ... 10 Dismissal, Academic ................................ ... .......... .. ..... ... ... .. .... .. ..27 Divisions of Instruction .............................. .. ..... ... ...... .......... ... .....33 Doctrinal Statement ·········· ···· -······ ·· ·········· ········ ··· ··· ······· ·············· 6 Dormitories .................................................................................. 8 Dramatics ...... ......... ................ ......................... ...... ........... ........... .. 10 Economics ..... ... ........................................................ .... ....... ....... ..46 Elementary Education .. .... .. .... ......... .... .... ....... ..... ..... ...... ........ ....31 Employment, Student ........ ........ .... ... ......... ....... ...... ...... ............... 18 English ..... .... .................. .. ..... ...... .... .. .... ... ... ... ........ ............. .... ..... .63 English and American Literature .................................... ......... .63 Enrollment Statistics .......... .. .. .. .. ........... ... ...... .. ........... ........ ... 79, 80 Entrance Requirements ... ... .. ... .. .. .... .. ....... ... .. ..... ..... ..... ......... .. ... 20 Estimated Expenses .... ...... ... .............. ....... ...... ....... .. ......... ...... .... 17 Facilities .... ... ...... .. ... ...... ..······ ··· ········· ···· ········· ········ ·· ·· ····· ··· ·· ·····-- 8 Faculty .......... .. ..... .. ...................................................... .. ... ........... .85 Farm ··············--·············································································· 9 F·ees ..... ................ ........ .... ... ...... ........... .......... .. .. ... .... ..... ... ..... ....... 16 Fellowship for World Missions ........... .... ........ ........................... 11 Financial Arrangements .................... .......................................... 17 Financial Information .. .................. .. ................ ..... ... ............. ....... 15 Financial Support ........................................................................ 15 Fine Arts ........... ................................................................... ........ 50 French ... .. .. .... ..... ...... ... ... ...... ... ............... ......... ... .. .. ........ ..... .. .......65 Freshman Week ................................................................. .. ......... 10 Gamma Chi ... ... ....... ...... .... .... .. ..................... ...... .... .. ......... .... .... ... 11 General Business ........ ............. .. .. ....... ......... ....... ...... ..............44, 48 General Education Requirements ..............................................29 General Information ... ... ....... ....... .... ............. ···· ·······--· ··· ····· ······· .. 3 Geography ........... .. .. ... .............. ...................... .... .... .......... ..... .. ... .. 77 German ... ... ... ... .. .. .. .... ................. ..... .. ... ... ... ...... ... .... ........ ... ........ ... 65 Grade Points and Point Averages ...................... .. .... ..... .. ..... ...... 27 Grading System .... ....... ..... .... ... ..... ..... ...................... ................ ..... 26 Graduation with Honors .............. ........ ...... .. ..... ......... ..... .... ...... .. .26 Greiek ....................................................................... ......... ............64 90