1964-1965 Academic Catalog
Cedarville College FINANCIAL INFORMATION and to adjustment to college life. Students who are obliged to work more than 24 hours a week are not advised to carry a full course of studies. STUDENT LOANS Students and their parents are increasingly turning to banks and other funding groups for financial assistance through long- and short– term loans. Local banks can offer services as well as banks and institu. tions in the students' home towns. Students at Cedarville College may participate in the United Stu– dent Aid Fund. The Bancroft Loan Fund is available for missionary candidates and access to the McChesney Memorial Loan Fund is pos– sible for Greene County, Ohio, residents. Emergency student aid is also available. Details may be received from the Dean of Students' office. Cedarville College as yet has not participated in the National D2- fense Loan Fund. STUDENT INSURANCE All students are required to carry accident and sickness insurance through the College unless they have insurance coverage with their parents or at their place of employment. If they have some other in– surance coverage, they must sign a waiver agreement at registration time. The insurance through the College is twelve-month coverage and provides coverage for the student any place in the United States. Aerial V e-iw of the Campus 19
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