1964-1965 Academic Catalog

BIBLICAL EDUCATION 451, 452 GREEK EXEGESIS Prerequisite: Greek 351-352 Cedarville Detailed exegesis of various books and portions of the New Testament. Emphasis is given to translation and interpretation, grammatical relationships of words and sentences, word studies, and development of exegetical skill. Two credit hours each semester E. CHRISTIAN EDUCATION 261 THE INDUCTIVE METHOD OF BIBLE STUDY An inductive study of a Bible book to develop the student's skill in in- dependent Bible study. Two credit hou1·s 262 CHRISTIAN EDUCATION OF CHILDREN The presentation of the characteristics and needs of the child, organization and administration of children's departments, and the methods and materials used in each department. Th1'ee c1'edit hours 362 EDUCATIONAL WORK OF THE CHURCH The methods of organizing and administering the total educational program of the church. Consideration is given to educational processes; comparisons of the various teaching agencies such as the Sunday School, vacation Bible school, week-day church school, and junior church; leadership education; and methods of counseling and supervision. Three credit hours 363 CHRISTIAN EDUCATION OF YOUTH The presentation of the characteristics and corresponding needs of young people. A program of Bible study, evangelism, worship, recreation, and steward– ship to effectively guide young people in Christian living and service is stressed. Three credit hours I' 1l 1 1 IU 1 :U~ 364 CHRISTIAN EDUCATION OF ADULTS The presentation of the characteristics and needs of the adult, his worship, education, service, and recreation in the church and the home. Two credit hours 461 METHODS OF BIBLE TEACHING Prerequisite: Christian Education 261 An experimentation and application in the classroom of various methods of Bible study and teaching. Two credit hours 463, 464 PRACTICE TEACHING A laboratory course in lesson preparation and teaching (using Bible clubs or Sunday School classes for experience) , followed by evaluation sessions. Three credit hours each semester 465 PHILOSOPHY OF CHRISTIAN EDUCATION A comparative study of major religious and secular educational theories with the Scriptural principles upon which the Christian philosophy of education is based. Three credit hours 470 CHRISTIAN EDUCATION SEMINAR A survey of the field of Christian Education for the purpose of integrating its various phases. Problems of the field are analyzed and defined by individual r~ch and group conferences. Two credit hours 38