1964-1965 Academic Catalog

EDUCATION AND PSYCHOLOGY Bachelor of Arts Program Requirements for a Minor in Psychology. Fifteen semester hours, including Psychology 160; twelve hours of electives in Psychology. Ele– mentary or secondary education students may transfer credits for work taken at Central State College or other institutions in the fields of Edu– cational Psychology or Human Growth and Development toward a minor in Psychology at Cedarville College. A. EDUCATION 202 INTRODUCTION TO AMERICAN EDUCATION The historical, philosophical, sociological, and psychological foundations and org~nization of American Education. Teaching as a career. Observations required. Two credit hours 300 MEASUREMENT AND EVALUATION Test construction, standardized testing, educational diagnosis, and interpreta- tion of educational data. Two credit hours 301 PURPOSES AND PRACTICES OF THE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Classroom organization, control, curriculum, and instructional materials and methods including study of audio-visual equipment and presentation. Observa– tions required. Three credit hours 311 THE TEACHING OF ARITHMETIC Three credit hours 321 THE TEACHING OF READING Three credit hottrs *330 THE TEACHING OF SCIENCE Two credit hottrs *340 THE TEACHING OF LANGUAGE ARTS AND SOCIAL STUDIES Two credit hours *350 CHILDREN'S LITERATURE The types, merit, educational values, methods of presentation and selection. Three credit hours *360 SECONDARY CURRICULUM The development of secondary education and curricular patterns. Each stu– dent will develop a resource unit and become familiar with audio-visual equip– ment. Observations required. Two credit hours *410 SUPER.VISED TEACHING AND SEMINAR. All directed teaching is done in ;nearby schools and is the latter part of the professional block. One semester !must be reserved for the block. Assign– ments are made 'during the first part iof the semester. At least ninety semester hours are required before the student is/eligible for student teaching. {\.JlJeqqJred education course~ must be completed ~~ ,et least half of the_ ttwbiAg field~ ~ Eight credit hottrs * Taken in the Professional Block. 53