1964-1965 Academic Catalog
EDUCATION AND PSYCHOLOGY Cedarville College 420 SPECIAL STUDENT TEACHING Occasionally unusual situations arise which entail special prov1s10ns. Six to ten credit hours B. PSYCHOLOGY 160 GENERAL PSYCHOLOGY Designed to provide an introductory understanding of the history, principles, and practices of psychology. Three credit houn 260 PRACTICAL BEHAVIORAL STATISTICS PTerequisite: Psychology 160 (Offered on Demand) A practical course in the use of behavioral statistics. Students acquire knowledge of various statistical procedures through actual computation of data obtained in the college testing program. Three credit hottrs 261 HUMAN GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT Prerequisite: Psychology 160 An analysis of physiological and psychological development, emphasizing the years from birth through adolescence. Observations and q1se studies re– quired. · Three credit hottrs 262 PSYCHOLOGICAL MEASUREMENTS Prerequisite: Psychology 160 (Offered on Demand) The administration, scoring, and interpreting of individual intelligence tests and of group tests of aptitudes, achievement, interests, and personality; Analysis of the principles of test construction and validation. Three credit hours 361 APPLIED PSYCHOLOGY* (1965-66) Prerequisite: Psychology 160 An application of general psychological principles to different ·aspects of life such as family relationships, personality development, and professional activities. Three credit ho1Jrs 362 PSYCHOLOGY OF LEADERSHIP (Offered on demand) Prerequisite: Psychology 160 A study of the psychology and methods of leadership. Those enrolled will gain practical experience by working with problems of adjustment. Three credit hottrs 363 PSYCHOLOGY OF LEARNING AND THINKING* (1965-66) Prerequisite: Psychology 160 Concepts and theories with emphasis placed on practical application of ac- cepted procedures. Three credit hours 364 PSYCHOLOGY OF PERSONALITY ADJUSTMENT* Prerequisite: Psychology 160 (1965-66) A theoretical approach to problems of adjustment and maladjustment; with special reference to defense mechanisms, frustration, and motivational conflict in normal and abnormal behavior. · Three credit hours 54
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