1964-1965 Academic Catalog
Cedarville College FINE ARTS Bachelor of Arts Program Requirements for a Major in Music. Thirty-two semester hours, in– cluding Fine Arts 100; Music Theory 111-112, 211-212; Music History 231, 333, and 232 or 334; Music Education 375; eight hours of Appiled Music in a recital area. Requirements for a Minor in Music. Sixteen semester hours, in– cluding Fine Arts 100; Music Theory 111-112; Music History 231, 333; three hours in Applied Music. Requirements for a Minor in Music: (for Christian Education ma– jors). Sixteen semester hours, including Fine Arts 100; Music Theory 111-112; Church Music 150, 352; three hours in Applied Music. l', \,I A. MUSIC THEORY 101 FUNDAMENTALS OF MUSIC Designed to widen the student's concept and uses of music. Two credit hours 111-112 BEGINNING THEORY Prerequisite: Music Theory 101 or a passing grade on the Music Pro– ficiency Test. The student must be able to play easy hymns on the piano. A study of fundamental harmonies and tone relations used in musical com– position, approached through analysis, ear training, and keyboard work. Tbree credit hours each semester I Ill j! ~ 211-212 ADVANCED THEORY Prerequisite: Music Theory 111-112 and a sight-reading ability of standard church hymns on the piano. An analysis of standard literature, and experimental writing in various forms. Three credit hottrs each semester 311, 312 COUNTERPOINT Prerequisite: Permission of the instructor A survey of the development of polyphonic music from the two-part forms of sixteenth century ecclesiastical composers to an eighteenth century four-voice fugue in the style of Bach. Two credit hours each semester 411 ARRANGING Prerequisite: Music Theory 211-212 A development of skills in the area of instrumental and vocal arranging. B. MUSIC HISTORY 231 BAROQUE MUSIC Prerequisite: Permission of the instructor Three credit hours A specialized study in the music of the Baroque period, terminating with the literature of Bach and Handel. Two credit hours 59
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