1964-1965 Academic Catalog

FINE ARTS 387, 388 391, 392 393, 394 397, 398 BRASS ENSEMBLE WOODWIND ENSEMBLE STRING ENSEMBLE COLLEGE BAND Cedarville One-half credit hotfr each semester One-half credit h01#' each semester One-half credit h<>ttr each seme1ter One-half credit ho1tr each semester Art Major, Bachelor of Arts Degree Freshman Year First Semester Old Testament Survey ----------- 3 English Composition ------------ 2 Fundamentals of Speech ---------- 2 Living with Art and Music ______ 3 Social Science ------------------ 3 Beginning Drawing _____________ 2 Elective _______________________ 1 ] 6 Second Semester New Testament Survey __________ 3 English Composition ------------ 2 Fundamentals of Speech __________ 2 General Psychology ------------- 3 Social Science ------------------ 3 Advanced Drawing ______________ 2 15 Sophomore Year Evangelism -------------------- 3 l!IT~eology Survey ________________ 3 Science ------------------------ 4 ff Soence ----------------------- _ 4 Physical Education -------------- 1 Physical Education ______________ 1 Elective ----------------------- 3 - Elective ----------------------- 3 Painting ---------------------- 3 Sculpture ---------------------- 3 Design ----------------------- 3 Design ----------------------- 3 17 17 Junior Year Christian Evidences -------------- 2 Foreign Language _______________ 3 Physical Education -------------- 1 Electives ---------------------- 5 History of Art 2 Crafts ------------------------ 3 16 Bible Interpretation _____________ 2 Foreign Language _______________ 3 Physical Education _______________ 1 Electives ---------------------- 5 History of Art _________________ 2 Crafts ------------------------ 3 16 Senior Year Baptist History and Polity -------- 3 English or American Literature ____ 3 Foreign Language --------------- 3 Electives ---------------------- 7 16 62 American or English Literature 3 Foreign Language --------------- 3 Electives ---------------------- 6 Applied Art ------------------- 3 15