1964-1965 Academic Catalog
Cedarville HEALTH AND PHYSICAL EDUCATION 391 TEACHING FOOTBALL AND BASKETBALL The organization, skills, techniques, and strategy of football and basket- ball. Two credit hours 392 TEACHING BASEBALL AND TRACK The organization, skills, techniques, and strategy of baseball and track. Two credit hours 393 TEACHING TEAM SPORTS FOR WOMEN Theory and practice in speedball, soccer, field hockey, basketball, softball, and volleyball, with attention given to various teaching methods, skills, rules, and officiating. Four credit hours 394 ADAPTED PHYSICAL EDUCATION (Offered on demand) A study of functional and physical defects resulting from physiological and anatomical variations of typical and atypical students, and the psychological implications as related to the physical education program. Two credit hours 395 CONDITIONING OF ATHLETES AND CARE OF ATHLETIC INJURIES (Offered on demand) The means of conditioning athletes for various sports. The care and treat– ment of athletic injuries with consideration given to taping, diagnosis of in– juries, diet, and practical experience in training-room situations. Three credit ho1H J 396 PRINCIPLES OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION The historical development, the relation to the general field of education, and the analysis of present-day programs and methods in terms of objectives. Two credit hours 470 TEACHING HEALTH, PHYSICAL EDUCATION, AND RECREATION A study and application of the basic principles of health and physical edu– cation. Program planning together with practical experience in class instruction and observation is included. Two credit hours 492 ORGANIZATION AND ADMINISTRATION OF HEALTH, PHYSICAL EDUCATION, AND RECREATION The study of the principles of adaptation and selection of activities, ex– amination and grouping of pupils, provision and care of equipment, depart– mental organization, maintenance of facilities, and techniqut!s of evaluation. Three credit hours 493 TESTS AND MEASUREMENTS IN HEALTH AND PHYSICAL EDUCATION (Offered on demand) A study of existing programs of evaluation for health and physical educa– tion programs with consideraition given to techniques of test administration and the organization and interpretation of data collected. Two credit hours 494 PHYSICAL EDUCATION SEMINAR Research problems are conducted to develop the student's understanding and appreciation of problems in the field and to develop skill in the appropri– ate techniques in the solution of problems. One to three credit hottrs 71
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