1964-1965 Academic Catalog
Cedarville College LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE 317 INTRODUCTION TO DRAMATICS"" (1965-66) Principles of mounting and staging a play, including theories of play se- lection and analysis. Three credit hours 319 HISTORY OF PUBLIC ADDRESS* (1964-65) A study of the biographies, methods of speaking, and noted address of selected British and American orators, including basic principles of rhetorical analysis. Three credit hours 320 LABORATORY WORK ON WCDR-FM Prerequisite: Speech 211 or equivalent Experience in presentation of radio programs under broadcast conditions. A minimum of three hours of work each week. Repeatable to a total of four semester hours. One credit hour 410 SPEECH SEMINAR Prerequisite: Permission of the instructor A course designed to introduce the student to types of research problems and to guide him into independent research in the field of his choice. One to three credit houfS 470. THE TEACHING OF SPEECH Methods and materials in secondary education. Two credit hours B. ENGLISH LANGUAGE 101-102 ENGLISH COMPOSITION A foundation course designed to review the fundamentals of grammar, and to present a comprehensive understanding of the mechanics and principles of informal and formal writing. Two credit hours each semester 201 ADVANCED WRITING Prerequisite: English Language 101-102 A workshop dealing with various forms of advanced composmon. Students have the opportunity to pursue their own writing interests. Practical experience is given each student through the work on the staff of the college newspaper. Three credit hottrs: Two hours first semester, one hottr second semester 306 THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE Prerequisite: Literature 230 and 240 A study of the structure and growth of the language, designed to help in formulating an intelligent attitude toward American usage. Three credit hours C. ENGLISH AND AMERICAN LITERATURE 230 SURVEY OF ENGLISH LITERATURE A chronological study of major and representative English literary works from historical, ideological, and critical standpoints. Three credit hours 240 SURVEY OF AMERICAN LITERATURE A study of America's literature from the beginning to the present. An at– tempt is made to give a balanced approach including historical, social, and cul– tural backgrounds along with a close reading for ideas and interpretation. Three credit hottrs 75
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