1964-1965 Academic Catalog

ADMINISTRATION AND FACULTY ST AF F ADMINISTRATIVE SECRETARIES Deanna Edwards, Secretary to Dean of College Donna Hall, Secretary to the President Jeane Hartsell, Secretary to Dean of Students Nancy McPheeters, Secretary to Registrar Cedarville College Gayle Stephens, Secretary to Division of Education and Psychology BOOKSTORE Bernice Mick, Manager Audrey Bergen BUSINESS OFFICE Kenneth H. St. Clair, M.S., C.P.A., Business Manager Carol Anderson Gweneth Bennett Dorothy Spencer CAFETERIA Stella Smith, Food Service Manager Mae Greenwood Mary McPherson Catherine Rich Jessie Shirley Catherine Smith Betty Tarter Julia Wilson LIBRARY Alberta L. Chaffe, B.A., Librarian Audrey Dillon Esther Ruder Virginia Russell Patricia Thornton MAINTENANCE DEPARTMENT Robert H. Dillon, Supervisor of Grounds and Buildings Thomas Foulkrod Nick Frost Gerald Marshall Charles Tarter NURSE Dorothy Knudsen, R.N. SUPERVISOR - WILLIAMS HALL Ruth Underwood, B.A. SUPERVISOR PUBLICATIONS AND MAILING Jtuby Jeremiah 98