1964-1965 Academic Catalog

Cedarville College FACULTY FACULTY JAMES T. JEREMIAH, D.D. President; Professor of Bible Graduate, Baptist Bible Seminary, 1936; Special study at Winona Lake School of Theology, summers of 1954, 1955, 1956; B.A., Central State College, 1960; D.D., Central State College, 1961. Cedarville College, 1953-. RAYE. BARTHOLOMEW, M.A. Associate Professor of English B.A., Cedarville College, 1957; M.A., Western Reserve University, 1959; Grad– uate study, Western Reserve University, 1962-; all work except dissertation finished for Ph.D. Cedarville College, 1959-. HARMON BERGEN, B.A. Instructor in Foreign Language Graduate, American Seminary of the Bible, 1946; B.A., Wheaton College, 1958; Graduate study, Ohio State University, 1961-. Cedarville College, 1958-. JOHN BRUMBAUGH, Ph.D. Professor of Biological Science B.S., Cedarville College, 1958; Ph.D., Iowa State University, 1963. Cedarville College, 1959-. DONALD CALLAN, M.S. Asshtant Professor of Physical Education B.S., Taylor University, 1955; M.S., Ball State Teachers College, 1960. Cedarville College, 1960-. ALBERTA L. CHAFFE, B.A. Librarian B.A., Cedarville College, 1960; Graduate study, Indiana University, 1961-. Cedarville College, 1960-. BOYD MAX DOWELL, M.S. Assistant Professor of Psychology B.S., Bob Jones University, 1956; M.S., University of Tennessee, 1958. Cedarville College, 1962-. AUSTIN D. ELMORE, M.A.T. Assistant Professor in Biological Science B.A., Wabash College, 1932; Special study, Butler University, 1946; M.A.T.• Indiana University, 1964. Cedarville College, 1961-. JEAN FISHER, M.A. Assistant Professor of Christian Education B.R.E., Baptist Bible Seminary, 1956; M.A., Wheaton College, 1961. Cedarville College, 1956-. 99