1965-1966 Academic Catalog

Cedarville College ACADEMIC INFORMATION granted a deserving junior majoring in English Literature. An engrossed citation accompanies the $100 prize. Thls memorial has been provided by Dr. S. Milner. Rules of award are determined by the faculty. The Clara Monzelle Milner Award. This annual award for excellence is granted a deserving junior majoring in Teacher Education. An en– grossed citati0n accompanies the $100 prize. This memorial has been provided by Dr. George S. Milner. Rules of award are determined by the faculty. The Boyd Award. This $100 award is presented annually at Commencement to a deserving junior in Accounting. An en– grossed citation is included in the award. The Wall Street Journal Award. Thls award is made annually to a deserving student in business. The Graduate Record Award. Two annual awaxds of $100 each have been provided by a faculty member for the senior who has the highest av– erage Ol'l the Areas tests and to the senior who has the highest score on the Advanced test under rules which are on file in the Registrar's office. THE GRADING Grades are issued at the end of nine weeks and at the end of the semester. Mid-semester marks indicate to the student the courses in which he needs to improve the quality or quantity of his work. This information should help him to raise low grades before the semester ends and the grades become final. Grades received in courses indicate to the student the fields for which he has the greatest aptitude. A student with low grades in a major or minor field is advised to select another field of concentration. The mark "Incomplete" is given when a student has done satis– factory work in a class but has been unable to complete all the re– quired work because of extended illness. The work may be made up within two weeks following the end of the semester. If it is not com– pleted that period, the "Incomplete" becomes an "F." Required c0urses which have been failed must be repeated. A-This grade is given in recognition of outstanding achievement. It is indicative of superior work in quality and reveals a thorough mastery of the subject matter. The student receiving this grade should demonstrate enough interest to do some independent in– vestigation beyond the actual course requirements. B-This grade indicates work and achievement that is well above aver– age. The student receiving this grade should be capable of doing advanced work in this field. The quality of the work should be considered better than that achieved by the average student. C-This is an average grade; indicative of a satisfactory meeting of requirements. D-This grade reveals accomplishment that is inferior to quality and/or quantity and is generally unsatisfactory from the standpoint of course requirements. This is the lowest grade for which credit can be given. F-This is a failing grade. It indicates very unsatisfactory work and the course must be repeated for credit. 27