1965-1966 Academic Catalog
LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE Cedarville College- 331 THE ENGLISH NOVEL* Prerequisite: Literature 230 and 240 (1965-66} A reading and critical analysis of representative novels of the period from Richardson to Hardy. Two credit hours 332 POETRY OF THE ROMANTIC PERIOD* Prerequisite: Literature 230 and 240 (1966-67) A study of the characteristics of Romanticism and the writings of the major poets of this period. Two credit hours 333 MilTON AND THE EARLY SEVENTEENTH CENTURY* Prerequisite: Literature 230 and 240 (1965-66} Prose and poetry of major authors from Donne to Milton. Chief emphasis on Paradise Lost. Two credit hours 334 THE RESTORATION AND EIGHTEENTH CENTURY* Prerequisite: Literature 230 and 240 (1966-67) A study of the principal writers from Dryden to Blake with emphasis on Pope and Swift. Two credit hottrs 335 SHAKESPEARE* (1965-66) Prerequisite: Literature 230 and 240 An introductory course studying representative dramas. Designed for any student desiring a knowledge of the writings of this author. Three credit hours 336 THE VICTORIAN PERIOD* (1966-67) Prerequisite: Literature 230 and 240 A study of the major Victorian poets and essayists, with emphasis on Tennyson, Browning, and Arnold. Three credit hours 341 AMERICAN FICTION* Prerequisite: Literature 230 and 240 (1966-67) A reading and critical analysis of representative works of Browne, Irving, Cooper, Poe, Hawthorne, Melville, Twain, and others. Two credit hours 349 LITERARY CRITICISM Prerequisite: Literature 230 and 240 A study of major critical theories from ancient times to the present. Two credit ho1trs 420 ENGLISH SEMINAR Prerequisite: Permission of the English Department A course designed to introduce the student to types of research problems and to guide him into independent research in the field of his choice. One to three credit hours 480 THE TEACHING OF SECONDARY SCHOOL ENGLISH Two credit houn 76
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