1965-1966 Academic Catalog
Cedarville College SCIENCE of Mathematics exclusive of Mathematics 182 and including Mathematics 281-282. Requirements for a Minor in Physics. Seventeen semester hours of Physics from Physics 171-172, 271, 272, and 273. Bachelor of Science in Education Programs Requirements for a teaching field in Biology. Eighteen to twenty semester hours, including Biology 100, 112, 131; six to eight hours of advanced Biology. Requirements for a teaching fieid in General Science. Twenty-folll' semester hours, including Physics 171-172; Chemistry 151-152; and Biology 100 and 112 or 131. for a teaching field in Physical Science. Twenty. two semester hours, including Physics 171-172; Chemistry 151-152; and ~Wathematics 183, 184. Requirements for a teaching field in Mathematics. Eighteen to twenty-four semester hours, including Mathematics 183 (or equivalent), 184 (or equivalent), 281-282, 384; Physical Science 161; and Business Administration 112. Requirements for a Comprehensive teaching field in Biology. Forty to forty-six semester hours, including Biology 100; Zoology 112; Chemistry 151-152; Physics 171-172; Mathematics 183 (or equivalent), 184 (or equiv– alent); Physical Science 161, 162; twelve hours of advanced Biology, Requirements for a Comprehensive teaching field in Chemistry. Forty– four to fifty semester hours, including Biology 100; Botany 131; Chemistry 151-152; Physics 171-172; Mathematics 183 (or equivalent), 184 (or equiv– alent); Physical Science 161, 162; sixteen hours of advanced Chemistry. DIVISIONAL COURSES 400 INTRODUCTION TO RESEARCH Prerequisite: Major in Science and permission of advisor Independent experimental study of a particular scientific phenomenon. A-Biology B-Physical Science C-01emistry D-Physics E-Mathematics One to Three credit hours 470 TEACH!NG SECONDARY SCHOOL SCIENCE I. BIOLOGICAL SCIENCE A. GENERAL BIOLOGY 100 PRINCIPLES OF BIOLOGY Two credit hottrs A presentation and development of biological principles common to both animal and plant kingdoms. Two lectures, and one 2-hour lab and one recitation per week. Four credit hottH B. ZOOLOGY 112 GENERAL ZOOLOGY Prerequisite: Biology 100 79
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