1965-1966 Academic Catalog
SCIENCE Cedarville College A study of the animal kingdom and of general zoological principles, with concentration on the invertebrate organisms. Three lectures and one 3-hour lab per week. 211, 212 HUMAN ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY* Prerequisite: Biology 100 Pour credit hours (1965-66) A study of the structure and functions of the organ systems of the hu– man body. Three credit hours each semester 213 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY OF THE VERTABRATES* (1966-67) Prerequisite: Zoology 112 A study of the structure of the several vertebrate classes. Laboratory work emphasizes the dissection of the dogfish, Necturus, and either the cat or fetal pig. Two lectures and two 3-hour labs per week. Four credit hours 214 COMPARATIVE EMBRYOLOGY OF THE VERTEBRATES* {1966-67) Prerequisite: Zoology 112 A comparative study of the descriptive embryology of vertebrate classes including the modern theories of development. Laboratory work emphasizes developmental stages of frog, chick, and pig. Two lectures and two 3-hour labs per week. 311 GENETICS* Prerequisite: Biology 100 Four credit hours {1965-66) The interpretation of the basic principles of heredity and their application to human and agricultural situations. The laboratory deals with the principles as expressed by Drosophila melanogaster. Three lectures per week, lab by arrangement. 312 ENTOMOLOGY* Prel'Equisite: Zoology 112 Four c-redit hours (1965-66) An examination of the characteristics of orders and some families of Class Insecta. Behavior patterns, identification, economic and hygienic importance of insects are studied. Students make their own collections of specimens. Three lectures per week, lab by arrangement. F011r credit hottrs C. BOTANY 130 LOCAL FLORA Prerequisite: Biology 100 A study of the classification of the vascular plants found in the Cedarville locality. The course will include collecting, identifying, and preserving the available specimens. Cannot be applied toward a biology major or minor. One lecture and one 3-hour lab per week. Two credit hours 131 GENERAL BOTANY Prerequisite: Biology 100 A study of the structure and function of representatives of the plant king– dom beginning with the algae and fungi and ending with the flowering plants. Three lectures and one 3-hour lab per week. Fottr credit hott1·s 231 SURVEY OF THE PLANT KING'DOM* (1966-67) Prerequisite: Botany 131 A study of the morphology and life cycles of representatives of the various divisions of the plant kingdom beginning with the algae and proceeding up– ward through the various levels of complexity until the flowering plants are reached. Some attention is given to the basis of classification of plants. Three lectures and one 3-hour lab per week. Fottr credit l:JOttrs 232 TAXONOMY OF SEED PLANTS* (1964-65) P::.·erequisite: Botany 131 The study deals exclusively with the classification of the flowering plants. 80
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