1966-1967 Academic Catalog

STUDl:NT ACTIVITIES Cedarville College STUDENT PUBLICATIONS Students have the primary responsibility for the publication of the college year book, The Miracle, and the college newspaper, Whispering Cedars. A faculty-student committee provides direction and advice. In– terested students may apply to editors. STUDENT ORGANIZATIONS Alpha Chi, a literary society for men, has the aim of cultivating Chris– tian personality and leadership. Chrisl'ian Education in Adion promotes fellowship and inspiration for those interested in Christian Education. Conservative Club, a bi-partisan political club, stresses political oppor– tunities and responsibilities of Christians. Educational Club provides encouragement and guidance for those major– ing in elementary or secondary education. Fellowship For World Missions sponsors an annual missionary confer– ence each spring. Members also meet regularly for prayer and discuss problems of the missionary. Future Business Associates stimulates interest among students majoring in business. Gamma Chi, a literary society for women, seeks to cultivate Christian personality and leadership and develop poise and ease at both formal and informal events. Kappa Delta Chi, a literary society for women, stimulates originality and growth in literary, musical, artistic, and humorous activities. Modern Music Masters, a national music honor society, offers member– ship to students who have served the college, church, and community through music. Photo Club includes in its pmposes the enhancing of member's knowl– edge of photography. Pi Delta stimulates scientific investigation and studies its relation to Scriptural truths. Sock 'N' Buskin, the college Thespian Society, promotes interest in dramatics. Student Pastor's Fellowship is a weekly fellowship for ministerial students. Varsity "C" Club is composed of men who have earned varsity letters in intercollegiate sports. Women's Recreation Association promotes fellowship and sportsman– ship among women of the college. 12