1966-1967 Academic Catalog

FINANCIAL INFORMATION Cedarville TUITION *Regular Tuition (per semester hom) ........................................ $ 25.00 Tuition for Auditors-per hour .. ... ... ..... .. .... .. .... ........ .......... ....... 5.00 FEES Application Fee .......................................................................... $ 10.00 Graduation Fe.e (Seniors only) ..... .. .. .... ... .... ... .... ... ... .. ... ... ......... 15.00 Reservation Deposit (Payable by June 1 for new students; July 1 for retmning students and not refundable after the fore-going dates - applied to total cost.) Dormitory Students .............................................................. 100.00 Non-residents ........................................................................ 50.00 Music Fees Practice Rooms One credit hour .................................................................... Two credit hours ................................................................ Three credit hours .............................................................. Ensembles (one or more) ........................................................ Science Fees-per semester, excluding Mathematics Lower division courses and Human Anatomy ...................... Upper division courses ............................................................ Astronomy Fee ........................................................................ Breakage deposit (refundable) .............................................. Swiinming Fee-per semester .................................................... Late Registration Fee-per day ................................................ Late Pre-registration Fee ............................................................ Typing Fee-oper semester ........................................................ Transcript Fee ............................................................................. . Course Change Fee ...................................................................... Car Registration Fee-per year ................................................ (Commuting Students-$2.50) 10.00 18.00 25.00 10.00 10.00 15.00 5.00 7.50 5.00 1.00 5.00 5.00 1.00 1.00 5.00 Examination for Credit .............................................................. **TBA Fee for Removing Incompletes .................................................. **TBA New Student Week ...................................................................... 25.00 (Commuting students-$10.00) Camping Fee-per semester .. .... ............... .. .... ...... .................. .. . 5.00 Physical Education Fee-per semester ................ ...................... 4.00 Student. Teaching Fee ..................... ..... ..... ............. ....... ... .......... 40.00 Health Service Fee ....... .............................. ...... .. .... .. ...... .... ......... 15.00 Regular Tuition includes the following services: library, college news– paper, yearbook, medical care (not including hospitalization or care of prolonged illness), admission to college-sponsored athletic events, artist– lecture programs, and other college social activities. Students who enroll in less than 12 semester hours are entitled to all the services except the *Applied Music Ensemble credit hours have a special fee instead of tuition. ( See Music Fees.) **To Be Announced. 14