1966-1967 Academic Catalog

FINANCIAL INFORMATION Cedarville College deferring payments on room and board, these must be paid one month in advance. One per cent interest per month is charged on the unpaid amount, and an additional $f1.00 penalty if amount is unpaid by January 1 or May 1. It is expected that most students will pay cash in advance for all semester costs-the best and most economical way to take care of col– lege expenses. Withdrawal Refund. If a student withdraws from the College be– fore the end of the semester, refunds on tuition may be granted three clays after application for refund has been filed with the Business Of– fice. Applications may be submitted any time after the opening of a given semester, but processing of such applications will not begin un– til two weeks of the semester have elapsed. Refunds are granted on the following basis: Two weeks or less . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80% Third week ....................................... 60% Fourth week . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40% Fifth week ........................................ 20% Over five weeks .............................. No Refuwl No refunds on room rent will be given except for withdrawal because of illness or other reasons beyond the control of the student. Board is refunded on a pro rata basis. No refund on any fees is allowed. VETERANS AND VETERAN'S CHILDREN A certificate of eligibility from the Veteran's Administration will be accepted as financial security for tuition, fees, and certain limited expenses. In the event the student drops out before the end of the semester, a refund of tuition, room, and board will be made on a pro rata basis. FOREIGN STUDENTS A limited number of foreign students may enroll. Cedarville College is approved for attendance of non-immigrants by the Immigration and Naturalization Service. All foreign students are required to deposit $600 in United States currency before they can be admitted. Permission for employment must be secured from the United States Govermnent. STUDENT AID All incoming single students desiring aid in the form of scholarships or loans must submit a Parents' Confidential Statement through the Col– lege Scholarship Service, Box 176, Princeton, New Jersey. Information concerning this statement may be obtained through high school guidance counselors or from the Service listed above. SCHOLARSHIPS Academic scholarships are available to students who have demon– strated academic ability and a definite financial need. These scholarships are for varying amounts and also provide an opportunity of employment with the College. The scholarships are awarded on a semester basis with a minimum 16