1966-1967 Academic Catalog

FINANCIAL INFORMATION Cedarville College dents with special needs through the College Student Aid Fund. Other educational loan programs may be available through local banks or specific organizations. High school guidance counselors can give you information concerning these. Farm children can arrange educational loans through their local Production Credit Association office. Cedarville students are not qualified for participation in the National Defense Education Act loans or state loan programs other than Ohio. The Student Personnel Office can supply information concerning the above loans as to banks servicing these loans and specialized qualifications. STUDENT INSURANCE Unmarried, full-time students are required to carry hospitalization and accident insurance through the College Married students may waive this insurance if they have other coverage. Coverage is also available for mar– ried students' families. This insurance is twelve-month coverage and pro– vides benefits for any accident or hospitalization not covered by employees' state compensation. The insurance premium is considered as a portion of the student health service fee. Part-time students or married students not participating in the insurance program must pay a special health service fee if they wish to use the College health services. Old Main and Science Hall 18