1966-1967 Academic Catalog

Dear Friend: As you read the pages of this catalog we hope you will become informed about the educational opportunities at Cedarville. It has been pre– pared with the prospective student in mind. We will be pleased if many of you come our way for your college years. Cedarville is a Christian college, approved by the Gen– eral Association of Regular Baptist Churches. Although it exists primarily for the youth of these churches, Christian young people of other denominations are also welcome. Because of our pur– pose for being, the Christian philosophy of education is em– phasized in all areas of col– lege life. I sincerely hope you will find our catalog to be in– teresting, and that you will give Cedarville every consider– ation when you select your college. Sincerely in Christ, James T. Jeremiah, President TABLE OF CONTENTS Page General Information ... ... .. .. .. .. .. .. ... ..... .. ... ... .. .. .. ... .. .. .. .. .. .. ... .. ..... ... 3 Facilities .. ... .. .... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ... .. .. .. ..... .. .. ... .. ... ... .... .. ..... .. ... .. .... ... .. ... .. .. 8 Student Activities ........................................................................10 Financial Information .................................................................. 13 Admission and Registration ........................................................ 19 Academic Information .................................................................. 22 Baccalaureate Degree Requirements ........................................28 Divisions of Instruction ................................................................ 31 Statistical Information .................................................................. 94 Administration and Faculty ........................................................ 97