1966-1967 Academic Catalog

ADMISSION Cedarville College ADMISSION OF TRANSFER STUDENTS A student who wishes to transfer to Cedarville should submit a transcript of all his credits to the Registrar for evaluation of credits and determination of status. All transfer students are required to attend New Student Week. Courses will not be granted transfer credit if grades are less than "C." Credits from accredited colleges are fully transferable as long as they apply to the student's course of study, BIBLE COLLEGE AND BIBLE INSTITUTE TRANSFER STUDENTS The College desires to cooperate fully with transfers from Bible Colleges and Institutes, especially those transferring from schools which are members of the Accrediting Association of Bible Colleges. Specific information may be received from the Registrar upon receipt of the transcript. CANADIAN STUDENTS Canadian students must present evidence of having passed either junior or senior matriculation with a better than passing grade in each of the subjects specified by the Provincial Department of Edu– cation. Those who have completed Grade XIII are eligible for ad– vanced standing. ADVANCED PLACEMENT High school students who enroll in college level courses dlll'ing their senior year and who demonstrate successful achievement in the appropriate College Entrance Examination Board Advanced Placement examination may receive college credit if examination scores of 3, 4, or 5 are received. If students do less well, certain courses may be waived so that the student may enroll in more advanced courses. No limits are placed on the amount of such credit. Students participating in college level courses in high school should consult their counselors for detailed information. TESTING OUT PROCEDURE Qualified students are allowed to earn credit hours toward gradu– ation by passing the appropriate examinations with a grade of "B" or better. Students interested in testing out must have division chairman approval. Tests can be taken dUl'ing registration week or dUl'ing the first two weeks of classes. The student will be granted hourly credit but will not be given a grade on the transcript. Students may not test out of a course they have audited and are not able to test out of more than eighteen semester hours. A $10 test fee must be paid in ad- 20