1966-1967 Academic Catalog

Cedarville College ADMISSION vance. This amount will be applied to the $15 per hour fee if the student successfully passes the examination. ADMISSION SECOND SEMESTER Freshman and transfer students will be admitte~d second semester under the same conditions required for first semester. Since some course offerings begin first semester, the student might not be able to register for the exact courses he desires his first semester at Cedarville College. ADMISSION OF VETERANS Cedarville College has been approved by the Veterans Administra– tion for the education of veterans under the provision of Public Laws 550 and 634. Admission requirements are the same for veterans as for non– veterans. To register and receive the benefits of the G. i. Bill and Rehabilitation Act, the veteran must present a certificate of eligibility obtained through his local veterans' administration office. A veteran transferring to Cedarville College must furnish a sup– plementary certificate of eligibility. EDUCATIONAL BENEFITS FOR EX-SERVICEMEN Four semester hours of credit in physical education will be granted those who have completed at least two years in the armed forces. Additional credit will be granted for courses taken by correspond– ence at accredited colleges or universities through USAFI. ROTC PROGRAM Although Cedarville College does not have an on campus ROTC unit, interested students may participate in this program at nearby Central State University, providing their schedules and records permit this elec– tive. Information can be obtained from the Registrar's Office. SELECTIVE SERVICE A student eligible for military service must submit his name, home address, selective service number, local board number and address to the Registrar's office annually. This does not constitute a request for defer– ment. Deferment requests must be made by the individual through his local board. RETURNING STUDENTS Students who have not been enrolled for one calendar year and who wish to return should, at their earliest convenience, write a letter of application to the Registrar's office. 21