1966-1967 Academic Catalog

ACADEMIC INFORMATION Cedarville College ACADEMIC INFORMATION SESSIONS AND CREDITS The regular college year consists of two semesters of eighteen weeks each, extending from September to June. Credits are earned in terms of semester hours. A semester credit hour is one fifty-minute period a week for one semester. As an illustration: a student complet– ing the work required in fifteen such periods a week for one semester receives credit for fifteen semester hours. Exceptions to this are labo– ratory sessions, applied music, and physical education. CLASSIFICATION OF STUDENTS Regular students are those who have met the requirements for ad– mission. Regular standing implies that the student is enrolled in a degree program and is carrying at least twelve semester hours of credit. Special students are those who have met most of the requirements for admission but are not enrolled in a degree program. A student desiring to achieve regular standing will meet the admission requirements and must have the approval of the Academic Dean and of the student's advisor. Part-time students are those who have met all admission require– ments and are enrolled in a degree program but are carrying less than twelve semester hours credit. ASSIGNMENT TO CLASSES Students are classified according to the following arrangement: Freshmen---students having less than 30 semester hours. SophomoreS-students having from 30 to 59 semester hours. Juniors-students having from 60 to 89 semester hours. SeniorS-students having 90 or more semester hours. ACADEMIC COUNSELING Each student is assigned to a faculty advisor according to his major field of specialization or interest. The student should consult with his advisor not only at registration time but also throughout the year when– ever he has an academic problem or is formulating plans for changes of educational programs or procedures. A student with low grades in a major or minor field may be advised to select another field of concentration. ACADEMIC LOAD A total of 128 semester hours is required for graduation. Students should carry an average of sixteen hours each semester if they wish to graduate following the eighth semester. Sixteen hours each semester is considered the normal academic load, although the student is al– lowed to take eighteen hours without special permission from the Academic Dean. Students working more than 24 hours per week are not advised to carry the full course of studies. The student's academic load is subject to reduction or limitation 22