1966-1967 Academic Catalog

Cedarville College GENERAL INFORMATION GENERAL INFORMATION PURPOSE The purpose of Cedarville College, a Baptist college of arts and sciences, is to offer its students an education consistent with Biblical truth. To achieve this purpose the college seeks to accomplish the follow- ing objectives: · 1. To establish the student in the fundamentals of the Christian faith. 2. To develop in each student Christian character. 3. To help the student accept his responsibility in faithful Chris– tian service. 4. To train the student to evaluate knowledge in the light of Scrip– tural truth. 5. To broaden the student's outlook through a program of general education. 6. To assist the student in selecting and preparing for a vocation. 7. To prepare the student to participate constructively in a demo– cratic society. 8. To foster the student's appreciation of wholesome activities. Cedarville includes as one of its primary functions the training of public school and Christian day school teachers. PROGRAM Cedarville College offers its students undergraduate majors in Ac· counting, Art, Bible, Biology, Business Administration, Chemistry, Chris– tian Education, English, General Science, History, Mathematics, Music, Physical Education, Physical Science, Secretarial Science, Social Studies, Sociology, and Speech. Minors are available in the above areas and also in Economics, Foreign Languages, and Psychology. The Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Music, and Bachelor of Science degrees are granted by the College upon successful completion of 128 semester holll's in general edu– cation courses including Bible and in the student's chosen fields. Teacher training at the elementary and secondary levels is available. Cedarville College students receive thorough academic instruction in arts and sciences closely integrated with Biblical Christian perspec– tives. Faculty members provide willing, careful, Christian advice and counsel. The College emphasizes an evangelical, conservatively Biblical theological position in regard to doctrine and patterns of conduct. All students enroll in a Bible course each semester until they have finished the required Bible sequence.