1966-1967 Academic Catalog

Cedarville BIBLICAL EDUCATION BIBLICAL EDUCATION Professors: Arthur F. Williams, Chairman; Robert Gromacki, George L, Lawlor Associate Professor: Stanley Ballard Assistant Professors: Jean Fisher, Joy Mackay, Richard' T. Mackintosh The division of Biblical Education is comprised of A) Biblical Studies, B) Theology and Philosophy, C) Practical Theology, D) Biblical Languages, and E) Christian Education. This division seeks to provide a Biblical foundation for a liberal arts education, presenting the great truths of the Scripture by study– ing correct principles of interpretation and pro~er application in or– der that the student may be an effective witness for Christ regardless of the vocation which he may be led to pursue. It also seeks to lay a good foundation for graduate study as well as offering terminal pro– grams for the missionary, pastor, or Christian education director. All students must be enrolled in a Bible course each semester un– til they have completed the required Bible sequence. The pre-seminary program is designed for students anticipating graduate work in Bible. This major would also be advantageous for students intending a Bible major of lesser concentration. Seminary candidates should consult seminary catalogs to determine detailed re– quirements and adjust their program at Cedarville College accordingly, Bachelor of Arts Programs Bible courses which are part of the general education requirements are required for all Biblical Education programs with one exception, The– ology Survey is waived if the student enrolls in Systematic Theology. Requirements for a Comprehensive Bible Major. Fifty-three semester hours including: Theology and Philosophy, 232, 331, 332, 333-334, 336, 337, 433-434 Practical Theology, 240, 241, 340 Christian Education Survey, 260 Biblical Studies, twelve hours Additional Requirements, Biblical Languages, 251-252, 351-352; History 201, 202 Requirements for a Pre-Seminary Bible Major. Thirty-two semester hours including: Evangelism, 240 Biblical Interpretation, 331 Bible Prophecy, 336 Biblical Studies, ten hours. Additional Requirements, Biblical Languages, 251-252, 351-352; History, 201, 202. Most seminaries also require 337, Introduction to Philosophy. Students not interested in the pre-seminary program, but desiring the shorter major will not need to meet the additional requirements. 33