1966-1967 Academic Catalog

Cedarville College BIBLICAL EDUCATION 213-214 ACTS AND THE PAULINE EPISTLES• (1966·67) An analysis of the Book of Acts, ministry of Paul, and outstanding problems and significant events of Acts. Exegetical study of the Pauline Epistles with care· ful consideration of the historical background, local conditions, the great doc– trines of the Christian faith, and the instruction in the Epistles for the Christian life. Three credit hottrs each semester 215·216 THE GENERAL EPISTLES* (1967-68) A study of Hebrews, James, and the Epistles of Peter, John, and Jude. An effort is made to acquaint the student with the content, structure, character, and doctrines of these Epistles, together with such relationship as may exist between them and the Levitical economy. Three credit ho11rs each semester B. THEOLOGY AND PHILOSOPHY 230 THEOLOGY SURVEY A survey of the great doctrines of the Christian faith, designated to help establish the student in the Word of God. Three credit hotm 232 BfBLICAL INTRODUCTION* (1967-68) A critical evaluation of the theories concerning the origin, extent, and value of the Bible. The doctrine of inspiration, canon, higher and lower criticism, early manuscript versions, and the history of the English Bible are studied. Two credit ho11rs 331 BIBLICAL INTERPRETATION A detailed study of the basic principles of Bible interpretation. Two credit hours 332 CHRISTIAN EVIDENCES AND APOLOGETICS A course designed to demonstrate and to defend the factuality of Biblical Christianity. Evidences of a trustworthy Bible, archaeology, history, fulfilled prophecy, miracles, the Person and the resurrection of Christ, and Christian ex– perience are studied. Attacks upon Christianity are defined and evaluated. Two credit ho11rs 333.334 SYSTEMATIC THEOLOGY A detailed and careful investigation of the doctrines of the Christian faith, viz., the Scriptures, God, Angels, Man, Sin, Salvation, Christ, the Holy Spirit, the Church, and the Last Things. The importance, aim, content, sources, and methods of Systematic Theology are also discussed. Two credit ho11rs each semester 336 BIBLE PROPHECY Prerequisite: Biblical Studies 331 A comprehensive study of the Prophetic Scriptures, with attention being given to the great determinative covenants, endeavoring to discover what the fu– ture holds for the Jew, the Gentile World, and the Church of God. Thrt1e cred;t ho11rs 35