1966-1967 Academic Catalog
FINE ARTS D. MUSIC EDUCATION 270 INSTRUMENTAL METHODS Cedarville College Class lessons and materials for various instruments. Registration may be repeated. A-String Class B-Brass Class C-Woodwind Class D-Percussion Class One credit hottr One credit hottr One credit hottr One credit honr 272 MUSIC IN THE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Prerequisite: Music Theory 101 or a passing grade on the Music Pro– ficiency Test Philosophy, methods, and materials. 273, 274 FUNCTIONAL PIANO Prerequisite: Permission of the instructor Two credit ho1trs Development of skills in harmonization at sight, transposition, and playing by ear. One credit hottr each semester 275, 276 VOICE CLASS METHODS A study of vocal techniques and problems. 370 CONDUCTING One credit ho11r each semester Prerequisite: Music Theory 111-112 and permission of the Music Department A study of the role of a conductor, and the refinement of conducting tech– nique through actual experience with vocal and instrumental groups. Must be a member of a large music ensemble concurrent with the course. A-First semester Two credit ho11rs B -Sec:ond Semester One credit honr 371 MUSIC IN THE JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL Prerequisite: Music Education 272 Philosophy, methods, and materials. 373 MUSIC IN THE SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL Prerequisite: Music Education 272 Philosophy, methods, and materials. 471 PIANO PEDAGOGY Philosophy, methods, and materials. 472 VOCAL PEDAGOGY Philosophy, methods, and materials. E. APPLIED MUSIC Two credit hams Two credit hours One credit hot#' One credit hour Credit in applied music study is based on three to five hours of practice and one lesson per week for one hour of credit. All music majors must give an applied music recital during the senior year. 60
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