1966-1967 Academic Catalog

Cedarville HEALTH AND PHYSICAL EDUCATION Minor Teaching Field for Men. Twenty-five semester hours, includ– ing Health Education 121, 123; Physical Education 110, 214, 215, 294, 391, and 492; Biology 211-212. Minor Teaching Field for Women. Twenty-five semester hours, in– cluding Health Educati0n 121, 123; Physical Education 110, 213, 215, 293, 393, and 492; Biology 211-212. A. ACTIVITY COURSES 101, 102 PHYSICAL EDUCATION An activity course for all freshmen men and women. One credit hottr each semester :201, 202 PHYSICAL EDUCATION An activity course for all sophomore men and women. Ont! credit hottr each semeJter 111 BEGINNING SWIMMING* (1966-67) American Red Cross beginning swimming course. Certificate @ff~ed. Ont1 t»Vtdit hom 112 INTERMEDIATE SWIMMING* (1966-67) American Red Cross intermediate swimming course. Certificate of.fered. Onu credit hom 211 SWIMMERS* (1967-68) Amencan Red Cross advanced swimming course. Certificate offered. One credit hour 212 SENIOR LIFE SAVING* (1967-68) Prerequisite: Survivors card or equivalent in swimming ability. American Red Cross Senior Life Saving course. Certificate offered. '' I 121. FIRST AID One credit ho11r B. HEALTH EDUCATION American Red Cross standard and adv;>nced training. Certificate granted at the completion of the course. Two credit ho11rs 123 PERSONAL AND COMMUNITY HYGIENE A study of those health practices, understandings, and attitudes which af– fect the personal fitness of the individual and the welfare of the community in which he lives. Two credit honrs 310 SCHOOL HEALTH PROGRAM Prerequisite: 123. An analysis of the scope of school health activities and their interrelationship ·with the family and the community. Two credit ho11rs 69