1966-1967 Academic Catalog

SCIENCE A-Biology B-Physical Srienc::e C-Chemistry D-Physic::s E-Mathematics Cedarville College One to Three credit ho11rs 470 TEACHING SECONDARY SCHOOL SCIENCE Two credit hours I. BIOLOGICAL SCIENCE A. GENERAL BIOLOGY 100 PRINCIPLES OF BIOLOGY A presentation and development of biological principles common to both animal and plant kingdoms. Two lectures, and one 2-hour lab and one recitation per week. F011r credit ho11rs B. ZOOLOGY 112 GENERAL ZOOLOGY Prerequisite: Biology 100 A study of the animal kingdom and of general zoological principles, with concentration on the invertebrate organisms. Three lectures and one 3-hour lab per week. Fottr credit ho11rs 211, 212 HUMAN ANATOMY ANO PHYSIOLOGY* l"rerequisite: Biology 100 (1967-68) A study of the structure and functions of the organ systems of the hu- man body. Three credit hottrs each semester 213 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY OF THE VERTABRATES* Prerequisite: Zoology 112 (1966-67) A study of the structure of the several vertebrate classes. Laboratory work emphasizes the dissection of the dogfish, Necturus, and either the cat or fetal pig. Two lectures and two 3-hour labs per week. Fottr credit ho11rs 214 COMPARATIVE EMBRYOLOGY OF THE VERTEBRATES* (1966-67) Prerequisite: Zoology 112 A comparative study of the descriptive embryology of vertebrate classes including the modern theories of development. Laboratory work emphasizes developmental stages of frog, chick, and pig. Two lectures and two 3-hour labs per week. Fottr credit hottrs 311 GENETICS* Prerequisite: Biology 100 (1967-68) The interpretation of the basic principles of heredity and their application to human and agricultural situations. The laboratory deals with the principles as expressed by Drosophila mel<mogaster. Three lectures per week, lab by arrangement. Pottr credit hottrs 80