1966-1967 Academic Catalog

Cedarville College 312 ENTOMOLOGY* Prei·equisite: Zoology 112 SCIENCE (1966-67) An examination of the characteristics of orders and some families of Class Insecta. Behavior patterns, identification, economic and hygienic importance of insects are studied. Students make their own collections of specimens. Three lecnues per week, lab by arrangement. F01tr credit hours C. BOTANY 130 LOCAL FLORA Prerequisite: Biology 100 A study of the classification of the vascular plants found in the Cedarville locality. The course wil1 include collecting, identifying, and preserving the available specimens. Cannot be applied t0ward a biology major or minor. One lecn1re and one 3-hou,r lab per week. Two credit ho11rs 131 GENERAL BOTANY Prerequisite: Biology 100 A study of the structure and function of representatives of the plant king– dom beginning with the algae and fungi and ending with the flowering plants. Three lectures and one 3-hour lab per week. Fottr credit ho11rs 231 SURVEY OF THE PLANT KINGDOM* (1966-67) Prerequisite: Botany 131 A study of the morphology and life cycles of representatives of the various divisions of the plant kingdom beginning with the algae and proceeding up· ward through the various levels of complexity until the flowering plants are reached. Some attention is given to the basis of classification of plants. Three lectures and one 3-hour lab per week. Fottr credit hottrs 232 TAXONOMY OF SEED PLANTS* Prerequisite: Botany 131 (1964-65) The study deals exclusively with the classification of the flowering plants. Some time is spent on the history of classification and the various systems by which the seed plants have been catalogued. A collection from the local flora will be made by each student. Three lectures and one 3-hour lab per week. Fom· credit ho11rs 234 BACTERIOLOGY* Prerequisite: Biology 100 (1967-68) A study of plant micro-organisms and their relation to man's economy and hygiene. Basic laboratory techniques are stressed. Two lectures and two 3-hour labs per week, Fo11r credit ho11rs II. PHYSICAL SCIENCE A. GENERAL PHYSICAL SCIENCE 160 PHYSICAL SCIENCE SURVEY A survey of astronomy, geology, chemistry, and physics in which basic con· cepts are emphasized from a non-mathematical point of view. The course is designed especially for the general education program. May be applied toward physical science and general science majors. Alrierruition of three lectures and one 2-hour lab per week with four lec- tures per week. Four crod;1 houn 81