1966-1967 Academic Catalog

Cedarville College SCIENCE Physics. Topics covered include: structure of matter electricity and light, kinetic theory of gases, extranuclear atomic structure, x-rays. Three credit hours 272 NUCLEAR PHYSICS* Prerequisite: Physics 271 (1966-67) Continuation of Atomic Physics. Study of the theory of the atomic nucleus and its reactions. The nature of radioactive decay, its effects and detection. 273 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM* Prerequisite: Physics 172, Mathematics 282 Three credit hour J (1967-68) A comprehensive treatment of classical electricity and magnetism, AC and DC circuits, motors, meters, generators, Maxwell's equations, electrostatic fields. Three credit hottrs D. MATHEMATICS 182 PRINCIPLES OF MATHEMATICS Principles and concepts of arithmetic, algebra, trigonometry, and statistics. Cannot be applied toward a science major or minor. Three credit hottrs 183 COLLEGE ALGEBRA The solution of quadratics, mathematical induction, binomial theorem, theory of equations, determinants, and other selected topics. Three credit hotwJ l 84 PLANE TRIGONOMETRY The use of trigonometric functions, together with derived identities, the solution of the triangle, operations with complex numbers. Three credit ho11rs 281-282 ANALYTIC GEOMETRY AND CALCULUS* (1966-67) Prerequisite: Mathematics 183 or equivalent and 184 or equivalent. The use of basic concepts in analytic geometry, followed by differential an<I integral calculus. Solid analytic geometry, partial differentiation, and multiple integrals are included. Five credit ho11rs each semester 380 ELEMENTARY STATISTICAL ANALYSIS* (1967-68) Frequency distributions, graphical representatives, measures of central tend· ency, variability, and coefficients of correlation will be treated. Three crerlit hr)flrJ 381 DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS* (1967-68) Prerequisite: Mathematics 282 A study of the standard techniques used in solving differential equations. Physical applications are stressed. Three credit ho11rs 382 THEORY OF EQUATIONS* Prerequisite: Mathematics 281 (1967-68) Treatment of complex numbers, symmetric functions, isolation and determi· nation of real roots, cubic and quartic equations, determinants, solution of binomal equations, polynomials. Thee credit ho/lrJ 384 COLLEGE GEOMETRY* (1967-68) Prerequisite: High School Plane Geometry, Mathematics 183 or equivalent and 184 or equivalent Advanced Euclidean and projective geometries. Study of lines, similar figures, loci, properties of triangle and circle, inversion. Throe credit hours 83