1966-1967 Academic Catalog

SCIENCE Cedarville College Major in Biology, Bachelor of Science Degree Freshman Year First Semester Old Testament Survey ----------- 3 English Composition ------------ 3 Fundamentals of Speech --------- 2 Physical Education -------------- 1 Social Studies ------------------ 3 Principles of Biology ------------ 4 16 Second Semester New Testament Survey __________ 3 English Composition ____________ 3 Fundamentals of Speech _________ 2 Physical Education -------------- 1 Social Studies ------------------ 3 General Zoology --------------- 4 16 Sophomore Year Theology Survey --------------- 3 American Literature ------------- 3 Psychology -------------------- 3 Physical Education -------------- 1 College .Algebra ---------------- 3 General Botany ---------------- 4 17 Christian Education Survey________ 2 English Literature ________________ 3 Living with Art and Music________ 3 Physical Education ______________ 1 Advanced Biology _______________ 4 13 Junior Year Biblical Education Elective________ 2 Advanced Biology -------------- 8 General Chemistry ------------- 4 Electives ---------------------- 3 17 Biblical Education Elective________ 2 Advanced Biology -------------- 8 General Chemistry _____________ 4 Electives ---------------------- 2 16 Senior Year Advanced Biology -------------- 4 Electives ______________________ 17 Baptist History and Polity -------- 3 Electives ---------------------- 9 16 17 84