1966-1967 Academic Catalog

Cedarvilli. C:ollege FACILITIES LIBRARY The library building, erected in rno7, was the gift of the late An– drew Carnegie. Permanently shelved in the college library are about 30,000 volumes, 250 periodicals, and reference works. By an arrange– ment with the Greene County Library System, the faculty and stu– dents also have access to about 100,000 books which are in Xenia and branch libraries. These books will be sent to Cedarville on request. GYMNASIUM-STUDENT CENTER Completed in 1963, this new building provides excellent facilities for physical education, intramural and varsity basketball contests. The gym– nasium seats over 1,200 spectators for varsity basketball contests. The student center includes a snack shop, lounge, large classrooms, and cafeteria. THE FARM In late 1962, the Trustees approved the pmchase of an adjacent eighty-acre farm and its buildings for future campus expansion. I 9