1966-1967 Academic Catalog

Cedarville College SOCIAL SCIENCE DIVISIONAL COURSES 470 TEACHING SECONDARY SCHOOL SOCIAL STUDIES Two credit ho11rs A. HISTORY 101, 102 UNITED STATES HISTORY A survey of the d~elopment of t;he United States from the colonial period to the present. Attention is given to the dominant Christian influences that have tended to mold the philosophy and ideology of our cultural, social, and political development. Tbree credit hotJrJ each semester 201, 202 HISTORY OF WESTERN CIVILIZATION A survey history of Western Civilization. Emphasis is placed on the de· velopment of the religious, social, political, economic, and intellectual forces that influenced the development of the present European st\ltes and the role these states have had in the colonization and development of the Western Hemi&– phere. Attention is given to the role that Christianity has had in the formulation of present world civilization and culture. T bree credit hot#'s each 1eme1ter 210 HISTORY OF ANCIENT NEAR EAST AND GREECE* (1966-67) A study of the rise; development, and decline of civilization in the Mesopo· tamian, Nile, and Aegean areas. Particular attention will be directed toward the development of Hellenic and Hellenistic cultures and their contributions to Western Civilization. Tbree credit ho111·s 300, 301 HISTORY OF MODERN AND CONTEMPORARY EUROPE* (1967-68) A thorough study of Europe from 1648 to the present. Emphasis is upon French Revolution, Unification of Germany and Italy, World War 1, Post-war political and economic problems, the rise of dictatorship, and World War II and its aftermath. Three credit hours each semester 303, 304 HISTORY OF ENGLAND* (1966-67) A survey study of Great Britain from 55 B.C. to the present. Emphasis is upon the political, social, economic.:, cultural, and institutional development of the English people. Particular attention is focused upon the relationships be– tween England and the United States. Tbree credit ho11rs each semester 305, 306 HISTORY OF RUSSIA* (1967-68) A survey study of the major developments in ancient, modern, and con– temporary Russia. After a brief review of Russian history to the time of Peter the Great, emphasis is upon the Russian background of communist ideas, or· ganizatlon and practices. Three credit ho11rs each semester 308 HISTORY OF LATIN AMERICA* (1967-68) A survey study of the Latin American Republics. Emphasis is upon their political, religious, social, and cultural development as well as their relations with the United States and other nations of the world. Three credit ho11rs 400 SEMINARS IN HISTORY Prerequisites: Majors or Minors in History A. literature Seminar An extensive study of selected historical problems. Pertinent literature will be read and analysed in a group setting. B. Research in United States History 89