1966-1967 Academic Catalog

Cedarville College SOCIAL SCIENCE History and Government Teaching Field Bachelor of Science in Education Degree Freshman Year First Semester Old . ~estament .s~rvey -------- 3 Engl1su Compos1t1on ---------- 3 Fundamentals of Speech ______ 2 Physical Education ----------- 1 United States History --------- 3 American National Government --------------- 3 Psychology ------------------ 3 18 Second Semester New Testament Survey -------- 3 English Composition ---------- 3 Fundamentals of Speech ------ 2 Physical Education ----------- 1 United States History --------- 3 Elective in Minor Teaching Field -------------L-'----- 3 State and Local Government ____ 3 18 Sophomore Year Theology Survey ------------ 3 American Literature __________ 3 Living witru Art and Music ____ 3 Physical Education ------------ 1 Hist?r.Y. of. Western C1vil1zat1on --------------- 3 Electives -------------------- 2 15 Christian Education Survey _____ 2 English Literature ------------ 3 Physical Education ------------ 1 Hist?r.Y. of, Western C1v11ization --------------- 3 History electives -------------- 6 15 Junior Year Biblical Education Elective _____ 2 Human Growth and Development -------------- 3 Biology or Physical Science _____ 4 History Elective ______________ 3 Electives in Minor Teaching Field ____________________ 2-5 14-17 Biblical Education Elective _____ 2 Introduction to American Education ---------------- 2 Biology or Physical Science _____ 4 History Seminar ------------- 3 Electives in Minor Teaching Field -------------------- 3-6 14-17 Senior Year Professional Block ____________ 14-16 Professional Block ____________ 14-16 or or Baptist History and Polity _____ 3 Electives -------------------12-14 Baptist History and Polity _____ 3 Electives -------------------12-14 15-17 15-17 93