1967-1968 Academic Catalog

12 CEDARVILLE COLLEGE NEW STUDENT WEEK In order to give new students an opportunity to adjust to their new sur– roundings, the College sets aside a period at the beginning of the fall quarter for the reception and registration of new students. During these days, the new students become acquainted with the campus and the facilities provided for their instruction and welfare. Selected upperclassmen and members of the faculty greet the new students and assist them in adapting to student life. During this period, a test in English proficiency, a test of mental maturity, and a vocational interest test are given to all new students. These tests must be taken before a new student can complete registration. CHAPEL The students and faculty meet together each day for worship and fellowship in a chapel service. Every student is required to attend. Faculty members, visiting pastors, educators, evangelists, and missionaries serve as speakers for these programs. Praise, prayer, worship, and practical Christian work and service are stressed. CHRISTIAN SERVICE Personal soul-winning, tract distribution, Sunday School classes, Bible clubs, gospel teams, and services in churches, hospitals, missions, and jails provide practical experience in Christian service. Gospel teams have been used of God to bring salvation and edification to many. A faculty-student committee as– sists the Student Personnel staff in the supervision of the Christian Service Department. DEVOTIONAL In addition to private devotions and weekly dormitory prayer meetings, half-kiour mission prayer meetings are conducted each morning before the beginning of classes. One day is designated each quarter as a day of prayer. A series of Bible lectures or a missionary conference is scheduled each quarter. DRAMATICS Each year the students, under the direction of a member of the speech department, present major play productions. These are an important part of the College's program of personality and cultural development. Those who participate in these productions earn points toward and become eligible for election to the college's thespian society, Sock 'N' Buskin.