1967-1968 Academic Catalog

20 CEDARVILLE COLLEGE SELECTIVE SERVICE A student eligibile for military service must submit his name, home address, selective service number, local board number and address to the Registrar's office annually. This does not constitute a request for deferment. Deferment requests must be made by the individual through his local board. RETURNING STUDENTS Students who have not been enrolled for one quarter or more and who wish to return should, at their earliest convenience, write a letter of application to the Registrar's office. EXPENSES TUITION POLICY The registration fee, tuition, laboratory fees and living expenses are kept as low as possible consistent with responsible operation. The student fees do not cover the cost of operation or expansion. The college is supported by individuals and church groups who desire to have a share in the preparation of young people for effective Christian service as pastors, teachers, missionaries, evangelists, and dedicated Christians in all walks of life. Some development funds have been made available from business, industry and foundations. This year it is again necessary to include a library building fee to assist in reducing the debt on this new facility. When this obligation is met this special fee will be omitted. FINANCIAL INFORMATION TUITION *Regular Tuition (per quarter hour) ..................... .. Tuition for Auditors (per quarter hour) FEES $ 17.00 4.00 Application Fee $ 15.00 Graduation Fee (Seniors only) 20.00 Reservation Deposit (Payable by June 1 for new students; July 1 for returning students and not refundable after the foregoing dates-applied to total cost). Dormitory Students Non-residents New Student Week................. .. ................................ . (Commuting students-$10.00) 100.00 50.00 30.00